After reviewing a diverse range of entries from various sectors, the final shortlist for DataComms 2025 has been unveiled, showcasing the very best corporate communications campaigns that effectively integrate data insights.

The brand hopes to engage a new generation with a re-vamped, personalised campaign.


BIMA Sustainability Council, which aims to champion sustainability in the digital sector, has announced the launch of ‘The Green Pages,’ its new website that provides digital teams with a suite of resources to help them build lower carbon and greener solutions.
Natasha Mudhar, founder of The World We Want, a purpose-driven global social impact enterprise, speaks to Communicate magazine about the role creative and corporate campaigns play in shifting the dial regarding the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Mudhar speaks about how working on social-led campaigns differs from other types of comms and how businesses can merge purpose with profit in an honest way.
Brands that adopt measurement programmes and scenario planning for decisioning achieve a 25 to 70% increase in return on investment (ROI), according to the latest ROI Genome Report from market data analytics consulting, Analytic Partners.
European data and tech company Solita worked with ad agency Creature and production company Ntropic to launch a new brand film that captures the human potential of data.
Simon Milton, founder of Pulse Brands, talks to Communicate magazine about why embracing 'purpose' is now vital to business success, the pitfalls to avoid and how brands can authentically embrace CSR.
Chris Lees, head of internal communications at Virgin Media, speaks to Communicate magazine about the biggest challenges he faced as an IC professional when Covid-19 first hit, how quickly he was able to respond to the 'new normal,' and what were the most effective communications channel during the peak of the pandemic.
A decade ago 91% of consumers thought the way a company behaves towards its customers and communities is influential when considering a purchase. Ten years later, that percentages has only increased. A panel fronted by Keith Weed, Unilever’s former CMO, and Stephen Woodford, CEO of the Advertising Association, explored the different steps brand should undertake to stay true to CSR while avoid ‘greenwashing’ and accusations of being inauthentic.
Max Wiggins, insight and innovation Lead at VERJ | A LAB Group Agency, speaks to Communicate magazine about the revolutionising aspect of semiotics for comms. He explores how semiotics offers a way to understand the deeper meaning behind what is going on in the current culture, how to best identify underlying messages and how to best present them in content, comms and creative.
Tommy Moore, creative director at DRPG, spoke to Communicate magazine about the role digital plays in the organisation's creative department, how copy and content meet brand strategy, the ways in which the role of the communicators has changed, and the great potential young people hold for the future of comms and PR.