WEDNESDAY 7 FEB 2024 1:33 PM


As digital presence becomes increasingly essential to brand identity, more companies seek UX strategists. New agency Radstone builds on this trend, putting UX at the core of brand design.

Social media and website design have become key components to how a company presents itself, leading more teams to include UX professionals on their checklist. By 2050, the number of UX strategists is expected to be over 100 million, according to Nielsen Norman Group.

One new digital agency is making UX strategists a priority. Radstone Group is an emerging global corporate digital and brand communications agency based in London and New York.

The group works to provide creative and technical solutions for organisations looking to improve their digital ecosystems. For its approach, UX strategists work alongside designers, centering both aesthetics and functionality.  

Radstone CEO, James McCobb, is optimistic for the future of UX strategy: “We’re extremely excited to launch a new kind of agency. One that puts strategy at the heart of digital transformation, through premium service.”