WEDNESDAY 13 FEB 2019 9:30 AM


Signs Express’ “Stronger Together” theme builds on the importance of strong relationships with suppliers and business partners.

During its annual convention held at Twickenham Stadium, signage company Signs Express celebrated the importance of strong business relationships and internal collaborations through its Sign Express Sign Awards.

The theme of the day was 'Stronger Together,' chosen by the company’s managing director Jonathan Bean, celebrating collaborative efforts in business relationships. Three Franchise Awards were presented and awarded during the evening to those partners “putting in phenomenal effort, relentlessly and commercially driving their business forward.”

“Our continued success is built around network collaboration,” Bean says during his opening speech. “I absolutely believe that we are stronger together and I am certain that today will be a terrific demonstration of that.”

After his centre won two Sign Awards, director of Signs Express (Stoke) Craig Tiley has been awarded the Franchisee of the Year Award for 2018, to reward his “creative flair” and the performance of his centre throughout last year.