As online dating becomes a mainstream trend, the disparity between online and offline dating behaviour has become increasingly stark. According to research by location-based dating app TrueView, Brits generally spend more time preparing a cup of tea (1 minute, 39 seconds) than connecting with potential partners online. As this trend arises, so do concerns over safety and security, especially regarding unwanted online pictures and fraudulent profiles.
To address this, TrueView has launched a new video campaign by creative agency Don’t Panic, ‘Tinder in real life,’ while introducing new safety-oriented and verification features in its app. The satirical video stars Jolyon Rubinstein of the BAFTA-winning comedy series the Revolution will be Televised, who interacts with others through a cardboard cutout mobile posing as a man named Zach. The video highlights the shallowness of the swipe culture with phrases such as, ‘I feel like connection really lies in a perfectly executed string of emojis’ and ‘Do you want to be my next gratification?’
Bringing some of the behaviours that only occur online into real life, Rubinstein finds little luck with the ladies who are often baffled or irritated, as they would be online following crude interaction. Since so many users swipe at home or even on the toilet, it is often rare to see how people immediately react to such online messages. Poking fun at how appalling messages or emoji texts such as, ‘I would put my aubergine in your peach’ would come off in person, these interactions emphasize how ridiculous online dating can be sometimes.
The video ends with, ‘You wouldn’t date like this offline, so why do it online?’ and an invitation to ‘Verify yourself now and date with a #TrueView.’ Drawing light to the fraudulent nature of dating profiles, it is also revealed in the end that the actor’s name isn’t even Zach to those who may not have recognized Rubinstein in the streets.
TrueView founders Andrew Ibbotson, Matt Verity and Damian Mitchell decided to create the app after Ibbotson became fed up with his real-life online dating experience and the hook-up scene. The app is based on ‘real-time micro-blogging,’ where users are asked to check in each time they open the app and share something about themselves under different categories: culture, food, music, outdoors, relaxation, shopping, social, sports, film, travel and work. Designed more as a social media app than a traditional dating app, it logs a person’s behaviour to build a profile that offers a ‘true’ view rather than a ‘skewed’ view.
Now, the app boasts a new TrustScore feature, in addition to a new community rating system and trust filter. Similar to the verification methods Airbnb and easyJet use, users are asked to link their social media profiles to increase credibility. They also have the option to become 100% verified by using Jumio’s ID check, uploading a picture of their passport, license or ID card. The trust filter allows users to select who contacts them, based on their number of verifications.
As app users spend more time looking at their phones than at their dinner dates in a world where there are almost a billion Tinder rejections daily, these new features will help TrueView challenge the swipe culture and offer users a safer way of dating.