THURSDAY 3 JUL 2014 11:14 AM


A US study shows that over a third of investors have said they do not listen to the quarterly earnings webcasts of the stocks that they currently follow. In addition, while 30% say that they do listen in, their attendance is not quarterly and depends on the current performance of the company.

While the webcast does not deliver news per se, it does give the investor a chance to hear the CEO in a question and answer scenario. The investor wants to gauge whether they have made the right investment choice.

When researching new investment opportunities investors showed the same lukewarm attitude towards earning webcasts according to a survey conducted by PR Newswire titled, ‘How are investors consuming your investor relations content?’

There is an opportunity for improved outbound communications and content on IR websites. 70% of survey respondents thought that a live video webcast of a CEO would inspire more trust while the majority of respondents still read written transcripts of earnings calls. As of 2013 half of respondents were using an ipad or android.