TUESDAY 20 MAY 2014 2:14 PM


Last week was the 19th year running for the Human Resources Forum on board the Aurora cruise ship. The two-and-a-half day event once again brought together HR delegates, suppliers and speakers in a unique event that allowed professionals to network with their peers, learn from industry experts and meet with potential clients.

The event kicked off with an opening keynote from Michael Woodford, former president of the Olympus Corporation. Woodford delivered a thoroughly engaging and provocative piece of storytelling, and set the tone for the next two days of conferences.

The second keynote was delivered by Jon Moulton, chairman and founder of Better Capital. Moulton enlightened his audience with honest and straightforward information about the state of the UK economy.

The final keynote was delivered by Jas Hawker, director of Mission Excellence and ex Red Arrows commanding officer. Hawker spoke about achieving excellence in high performance teams.

Lucy Adams, former HR director at the BBC, provided another highlight of the conference schedule with a genuine and thought-provoking session about surviving a crisis, whether business or personal.

The boat setting provided a great location for mingling and getting to know the other guests; whether delegates, suppliers or speakers. The entire forum was hosted by Richmond Events, providers of strategic business forums and the people behind the Communication Directors’ Forum that takes place yearly in October.


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