Liverpool City Council’s new sunbed awareness campaign, named ‘The look to die for?’, has announced that its creative and copywriting support will be undertaken by Cheshire-based advertising agency ‘we are air’.
The campaign also currently receives support from Cancer Research UK, the NHS and self-tan brand St Moriz, who together aim to tackle the attitudes of teenage Liverpudlians towards the use of sunbeds.
Utilising a range of multimedia channels, Liverpool City Council will run educational programmes, events and have launched a website to raise awareness about the dangers of sunbedding.
‘we are air’ have created series of images displaying the health effects of sunbed in conjunction with the impact on physical appearance in an attempt to get teenage girls to consider if the pros outweigh the cons.
Emma Page, senior insight and social marketing executive at Liverpool City Council, said: “we are air has really bought our campaign to life. The agency took our local insight research, which highlighted the drivers of behaviours amongst teenage girls, and developed a hard-hitting creative that really resonates with our target audience.”
Over the next year the partnership plan to extend the campaign into schools and colleges in the Liverpool area, which is notorious for its high rates of sunbed use. It is reported that 50% of girls aged 15-17 have used a sunbed, way above the national average rate of 11%.