THURSDAY 9 MAY 2013 2:30 PM


Admiral PR announces the launch of the SociaLIGHT Index, which attributes scores to social media channels usage by the top 200 companies in Northern England.

The quantity and quality of content was evaluated alongside with an analysis of social media influence, whether they have a blog and the number of and quality of backlinks to the website of a brand. The Index had over fifteen different social media and online markers, which were analysed and scored out of 100 to determine a company’s success.

Adidas was ranked as the leader, followed by Newcastle United Football Club. A unique character of Adidas was its success on Google+ and its interaction with the general public own its website, Facebook and Twitter accounts. The tool used a wide range of companies, which included sports brands, clothing suppliers, sustainable energy companies, telecommunications companies, airports, chemical manufactures, food brands and food suppliers.

The process begun with the companies’ website, where their connection with social media channels was analysed in relation to the range of platforms costumers had access, as well as in what social media channels the companies were present. Companies were also graded by the recorded number of followers and likes, traffic and the frequency and volume of entries and posts.

In the second phase, SociaLIGHT looked at the companies’ profiles in social media platforms to track the level of interaction between the business and the individuals present in its community, the messages they passed on to costumers and its image as a corporation. The main purpose was to analyse the content and level of interaction, where the companies were ranked higher if they provided a forum for customers and business contacts to establish a relationship.

The Founder and MD of Admiral PR says: “Businesses are increasingly understanding that social media has an important role in their sales and communications strategies, but many are not sure how best to use these channels and how to track their progress effectively. That is why we have developed SociaLIGHT.”

The majority of companies ranked as the top 10 were B2C, thereby highlighting how consumer focused companies are more engaged in social media and using such channels to catch the attention of Consumers. With SociaLIGHT, companies can track how they are doing in comparison to their competitors, as the tool also provides information on where they could improve.