Though it seems that studying for PR qualifications has become a surging trend over the past several months, in fact, the amount of communications professionals or hopefuls studying with PR training academies has remained largely consistent.
The PR Academy, one of the nation’s most prominent communications training facilities, released its third annual trends survey this week. Though the percentage of students has remained almost unchanged, the reasons for studying have changed significantly.
Whereas in previous years, students sought additional skills or professional recognition when taking on additional training courses, this year’s results show a 22 point increase in those studying to enhance their career prospects. Nearly 80% of respondents have indicated enhanced prospects as their primary motivation.
Additional change was documented in the sectors in which students worked in.This year’s survey has seen a 10% drop in public sector communications professionals and a corresponding 10% increase in those working for non-profit organisations.
“A continuing focus on professional skills during all stages of a communications career is more important than ever as public relations continues to change at a rapid pace. Professional qualifications provide an important benchmark of a communicator’s knowledge and skills – something that’s increasingly important when recruiting and can help individuals to stand out in a crowded marketplace,” Simon Wakeman, head of communications for the East Sussex County Council, says.
As competition for jobs has increased, students are seeking out qualifications as a means of setting themselves apart from other job applicants. Existing communications professionals tend to use qualifications as a means of career advancement and staying on top of new skills such as digital media and data analysis.