FRIDAY 5 OCT 2012 10:25 AM


Last summer’s Leveson Inquiry intended to address the culture and practice of journalists with particular emphasis on media misconduct. Though the Inquiry has concluded, its legacy lives on in media relations with the courts.

Though The Sun printed photos of Prince Harry’s Vegas escapades, other British papers were wary of potential consequences in the courts in a post-Leveson world. Today, the Mail on Sunday lost a ‘responsible journalism’ trial when it was found guilty of libel by the High Court.

The Mail on Sunday published two articles about entrepreneur Irfan Qadir that have been found to be libelous.

Chris Hutchings, partner in Hamlins LLP’s media team, representing Mr Qadir, says, “Today’s findings come at a particularly sensitive time for the media and this case has underlined the importance of responsible journalism. Legal privilege provides significant protection to the media but carries with it responsibilities concerning fairness and accuracy, in the public interest.”

The Leveson report will be released later this year. The implications of which will continue to impact British journalism and highlight the oversight of the courts on media outlets.