The gamification of social media has encouraged major companies to introduce cross-platform marketing campaigns that engage users with brands via networking outlets.
Ben & Jerry’s premiered the latest in the trend, a Facebook app called Wanna Spoon? on 17 August. The app allows users to connect with friends who have similar interests and receive vouchers. The ice cream company is using the interactive platform to promote its three-month-old Greek Frozen Yogurt line.
Wanna Spoon? is the latest in a trend of using social media to incentivize marketing campaigns. Rewards schemes and leaderboards feature prevalently in new promotional efforts.
Samsung is the first major brand to include a gaming scheme on its homepage, Samsung Nation. Visa, during the Olympics, used Facebook to encourage fans to ‘cheer’ on the athletes. This allowed users to engage with the brand while supporting Visa’s sponsorship of the Games.
Randi Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg’s sister and former head of marketing at Facebook discussed the gamification of customer rewards programmes with Australian business leaders this week. The Ben and Jerry’s app aligns with that growing trend.
"The frequent flyer program of today is about emotional connections, it's about access, it's about how you can make people feel special because they connect to the brand,” Zuckerberg said.