FRIDAY 3 FEB 2012 1:17 PM


With controversy surrounding the Royal Bank of Scotland for lobbying US politicians with British taxpayer’s money; Lionel Zetter, CIPR board member and former President has stated, the lobbying industry will embrace measures that enhance its professional standards and highlight good ethical practice.

Speaking at the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee hearing, Mr Zetter gave his thoughts to the Committee stating: “Both the consultation document and the questioning from the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee show that there is broad support for a statutory register. There is not, however, any appetite for bureaucratic and expensive regulation.”

Lionel Zetter’s comments fall in line with the CIPR view that a statutory register should be universal and has no ‘good case’ exemptions and provides a level playing field in lobbying.

CIPR welcomed the Government’s consultation paper, published on Friday 20 January and the Institute is now on course of surveying its members before submitting its formal responses before the deadline of 13 April 2012.

With a view to strengthening the ethical element of practice and professional development in public relations and public affairs, CIPR will be reviewing its code of conduct in 2012.

Furthermore, the CIPR Public Affairs sectoral group is hosting a ‘Future of Lobbying’ event with Mark Harper MP, the Cabinet Office Minister with responsibility for this consultation, on Tuesday 21 February.

Members of CIPR will be given a chance to discuss with the Minister the government’s proposals as they currently stand. The event will be held at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and is open to CIPR members only.