Intendance took to the streets of London to canvas opinion on their rebrand as they announced that they will be changing their name to Treat Digital in the new year.
The digital agency, which developed Communicate magazine’s Digital Impact Awards website in 2011, was founded in 1999, and believes it’s now outgrown its original name – as well as having to combat confusion with the entertainment services company Interdance.
Senior research Edward Dyson and head of business development and marketing Simon Williams asked Londoners which word had better associations, Intendance or Treat, and found that most people thought Intendance had “no meaning” or was a “made up word”.
Treat Digital will have a completely new site in January, as well as a new visual identity and logo for the communications agency. The company has emphasised that there won’t be any internal changes at the company, but that the new name is about the agency’s total brand moving forward.
“After 12 years of being called Intendance it was time for a change,” says James Tuke, director.
“It's “out with the old and in with the new” as you might say at this time of year! The agency has evolved so much since those early days that we felt we needed a name – and a brand as a whole – that would better reflect who we are and what we do now. We’re by no means leaving any of our markets behind: Treat Digital will be as committed to them as Intendance ever was. Our new brand will appeal to a wider audience and give us the scope to build on the innovative digital work we have already created. 2012 will be an exciting year!”
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