PRWeb, the online news distribution service of Vocus has announced new analytics reports for measuring results from news releases distributed through its service.
The media deliveries report will present a detailed list of the specific media outlets where the PRWeb news release was distributed; the online pick-up report, powered by Yahoo!’s BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) will show a listing of different web sites where the PRWeb news release appeared; and the visitor interaction report will show customers what visitors do once they view the news release. It will include click-through data, prints, forwards, PDF downloads and how many times visitors interact with the customer web site.
“These new reporting enhancements are all about helping our customers better understand what happens once their news release has been published on PRWeb,” said Jiyan Wei, director of product management for PRWeb. “They will now be provided with a much better sense for where it is sent, where it appears and most importantly, what people are doing once they read the news release.”