FRIDAY 20 SEP 2024 2:40 PM


Stuart Nicolson, ex-government advisor and journalist, joins the crisis communications team at Kenyon.

Kenyon Emergency Services has added to its group of directors and chosen their new associate crisis communications director as Stuart Nicolson, directly from the Scottish Government. With abundant experience in journalism, public affairs and communications, Nicolson has left his role as senior political spokesperson and head of communications in the Scottish Government to pursue crisis management on a more global scale. 

Kenyon specialises in delivering clients with immediate support following crises and incidents involving aviation, terrorism, natural or cyber disaster and kidnapping. To prepare clients in advance of events such as these, Kenyon provides media and communication training to companies and individuals more likely to face sudden crises. 

Nicolson’s skill in communications both political and editorial, acquired during his time as Scottish political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail and as a reporter for the Scotsman newspaper, align with Kenyon’s desires to establish trust between their high-profile clients and their employees. Donald Steel, vice president, crisis communications at Kenyon expects Nicolson’s exposure to the high-stake incidents will equip him with the skill needed for the professional quality of Kenyon’s services.