WEDNESDAY 14 FEB 2018 2:46 PM


Lansons, a reputation management consultancy, is launching a new neurocomms service in partnership with Dr Helena Boschi, a psychologist who focuses on applied neuroscience in the workplace and author of 'Why We Do What We Do,' the first book published by Lansons

Neurocomms is the application of neuroscience in communications and builds on 'Why We Do What We Do,' an introduction to neuroscience. Suzanne Ellis, director at Lansons, says, “At a time when we are constantly bombarded with information, it is more important than ever that communications cuts through the noise. Understanding how the brain works provides communicators with a powerful tool to engage audiences and change behaviours.”

The new ‘neurocomms’ service launches with a masterclass on change and communications programmes, on 27 February at Lansons. According to Boschi, most change efforts fail because they do not consider how the brain works.

Boschi says, “We naturally resist change because it represents uncertainty – and uncertainty is threatening and painful for a brain that wants to keep us safe and alive. Although many of today’s threats are no longer life-or-death situations, our brain still protects us as if they were just that.”

Because 'Why We Do What We Do' is about having healthy brains at work and at home – throughout our lives - Lansons and  Boschi are donating 10% of every book sold to two mental health charities: Mind and St Giles Trust.

Ellis adds, “With ongoing economic and political forces shaping our lives we all have to learn to cope with the unpredictable and unplanned. Learning how the brain works is the first step towards understanding how to get the best out of ourselves in the modern world. If you want to understand why we do what we do, you need to read this book.”

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