WEDNESDAY 23 OCT 2024 12:00 PM


Paul Maher, CEO at Positive, considers how AI is transforming the industry.

The PR industry, traditionally centred around storytelling, brand management, and reputation, is being transformed by the digital age, with AI emerging as a helpful tool, if used effectively. For certain industries, such as tech or engineering, where products and services are often complex and fast-evolving, AI offers significant advantages.

AI can automate tasks like desk research, press release early drafts and simplifying technical jargon into layman's terms. AI can be an effective tool allowing busy PR professionals with more time to focus on things such as new content or strategies.

Staying Ahead with AI for Competitive Research

PR firms must stay ahead of trends, understand the competitive landscape, and be able to identify new opportunities for their clients. AI tools provide PR teams with the ability to monitor competitors, analyse market trends, and track media sentiment in real time, while this can be done via other methods AI has the added benefit of speed and objectivity. Natural language processing (NLP) technologies enable PR teams to gather insights from a variety of sources, social media, news articles, research papers, and more, without manually sorting through the noise.

AI-driven analytics platforms can also identify patterns, predict trends, and provide actionable insights at speed without sacrificing accuracy, something other monitoring platforms struggle to do. This is invaluable in industries where the market is constantly evolving. AI can help PR firms understand which topics are gaining traction, what kind of content resonates most with audiences, and where competitors are focusing their efforts. With this data, PR teams can better tailor their messaging and positioning to give their clients a competitive edge.

AI-assisted press releases

More than ever, press releases need to be precise, engaging, and targeted to specific audiences. AI-powered writing tools, like OpenAI’, assist PR teams by drafting initial versions of press releases in minutes, giving them a strong base to work on. It can also be used to find the right language for the target audience.

For industries where products involve highly technical details, AI tools are particularly useful. These tools can pull from massive data sets and complex technical documentation to generate accurate descriptions of new product features, allowing PR professionals to focus on translating these technicalities into more digestible, media-friendly language. AI can also optimise press release keywords to ensure it ranks better for search engine optimisation, ensuring greater visibility for clients and their product.

PR in the GDPR era

It's vital professionals realise protecting sensitive information is essential when using AI. Proprietary company data or client details should never be inputted into AI platforms. This practice helps safeguard confidential information and ensures compliance with privacy regulations. Moreover, while AI can handle the heavy lifting in terms of technical detail and optimisation and checking for plagiarism, the final touch must be human.

AI-powered plagiarism tools can assist, but PR teams should verify originality to avoid potential legal and ethical issues. PR teams should ensure the accuracy of the information generated and double-check it against trusted sources to maintain their credibility.

Humans play a vital role in shaping the tone and message, ensuring it resonates emotionally with the audience.

Creating Content with AI-Powered Copywriting

PR professionals are responsible for creating a wide variety of content, including blog posts, white papers, social media copy, and more. AI can assist in the simplifying complex subject matter, ideation, drafting and editing processes for this content, significantly reducing the time it takes to produce high-quality material. For example, AI writing tools can generate blog outlines or first drafts, which PR professionals can then refine and customise to suit the voice of their clients.

Professionals must realise that AI cannot replace the strategic thinking required to connect with audiences on a deeper level. It’s crucial to review AI-generated content carefully, ensuring it reflects the intended message and does not contain any sensitive or identifying information. This extra step helps maintain client confidentiality and the integrity of the brand. The final product, shaped by human insight, ensures the message remains on point and emotionally resonant.

How AI benefits PR

AI is reshaping the public relations landscape by enhancing the speed and accuracy of various tasks, allowing PR professionals to elevate their strategic efforts. AI can serve as a valuable resource for automating certain aspects of content creation, conducting research, and clarifying complex information. While AI is not a must-have, its thoughtful integration can streamline workflows and provide insights that help PR teams better understand client needs and industry trends.

By viewing AI as an ally in their toolkit, PR professionals can enhance their effectiveness in a rapidly evolving market, ultimately focusing more on creative storytelling and relationship-building that lie at the heart of the industry.