Amanda Coleman, director at Amanda Coleman Communication, explains why PR needs to shift from focusing solely on image to building genuine trust.
Måns Flodberg, founder and deputy CEO at Modular Finance, explains the value of being a Primary Information Provider and why choosing the right one for your company matters.
Bowie is back (and on social media) and Jeremy Probert just can’t take it anymore
There are not many things that make me seethe, gentle reader, but one of them is the taking of credit where credit is most definitely not due.
Internal communications must evolve by taking the lead in engagement, says Steve Doswell
"The engaging future of internal comms"
At IoIC, we’ve being giving some thought to the changing landscape of internal communication and the way we practise our art, craft, profession or trade (or even science –students on the University of Central Lancashire’s IC masters programme will graduate with an MSc in internal communication).
In our new feature, we go around the world to explore the wide world of communications and international correspondents provide their take on local issues.