WEDNESDAY 28 SEP 2011 3:27 PM
Lansons Communications and High Tide

Objective: To create a partnership that provided visible employee benefits, useful insight into the arts and charities sectors, and opportunities for client engagement.
Strategy: Since mid-2008, Lansons has allowed HighTide theatre to run its company from Lansons’ offices, a sponsorship arrangement that effectively covers HighTide’s overheads, valued at £65,000 per year.
Rationale: With a resident theatre company, Lansons Communications is able to offer its 110 staff training in public speaking and presenting to camera, and enjoy exclusive client entertainment at HighTide productions. “It gives us both the opportunity to observe and learn from each other’s business cultures,” says Tony Langham, chief executive of Lansons Communications. “HighTide’s knowledge of culture, society, artistry and the charitable sector has encouraged our staff to think in a different way, both through direct interaction and client work.”
Evaluation: HighTide’s artistic achievements and rising profile has been a source of pride for Lanson’s staff by virtue of being affiliated with excellence. And for the last two years, Lansons has held gala events, taking around 150 clients, contacts and staff to exclusive showings of HighTide productions.
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