TUESDAY 18 JAN 2011 12:33 PM


Crisis management is nothing new – but it has evolved. Each month, we’ll be delving into history and asking you to apply modern day communications wisdom to an olden day crisis. This month, The Titanic

When the ‘unsinkable ship’ sank in April 1912, the backlash faced by its shipbuilder Harland & Wolff was fierce. With public feelings running high and its reputation plummeting, how would you advise the company to restore public trust?

Louise Vaughan, Acceleris Marketing Communications

Firstly, have top representatives visible and available for comment; the public responds when executives appear not to be taking claims seriously. The public would want to see Harland and Wolff be open about their failings, meeting those affected, responding to feedback and proving they had implemented real changes.

Today’s 24-hour media would allow Harland and Wolff to make accurate announcements while social media platforms would be vital for responding to negative press and the online rumour mill.

Being first to comment, frank with their details and fast to respond to feedback could have saved Harland and Wolff a whole lot of reputational damage.


Jim Preen, Crisis Solutions

The company needs to show it has a commitment to passenger safety ahead of profit.

The Titanic’s sister ship, The Olympic, must be recalled immediately for modifications and journalists should be invited to the shipyard to report on improvements. H&W’s PR company should show how many thousands of miles The Olympic and others have sailed without accident and how many thousands of passengers have enjoyed carefree journeys.

H&W should say that passenger safety is its top priority but that the operation of the Titanic was in the hands of The White Star Line and responsibility for the captain’s actions lay with them.


Louise Watson, Hill & Knowlton UK

Today’s challenge is providing visual storytelling and managing loss of context. Quotes given years ago can resurface, be edited and used against you.

My advice: take control of your efforts and tell your story with visual accuracy. Demonstrate the actions you’ve taken to put the situation straight with pictures, infographics and video testimony. Don’t hide away: offer your different experts for comment and have open discussions via your website using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc to amplify links to discussion. Manage your communities by linking back into discussions. Later, harness testimony to drive a more balanced online footprint.


Neil Hunter, PR executive

It would require an obligatory statement about regret for lives lost, as well as the fact that lessons have been learnt, which will have seen as little impact in 1912 as in 2010.

Given the justifiable anger, the client has little to lose. I would advise them to state that the tragedy has taught a harsh lesson of humility to the shipbuilding industry as a whole, then arrange a collaboration of ship builders which will both make sure that safety is paramount in the future construction of ships and embark on a structural review of existing ships. In the longer term, I would advise them to try to gain figures to demonstrate ships as a safe method of transport in comparison to other travel methods.


Graham Thatcher, MCC International

Harland & Wolff should work with White Star Line and demonstrate a united front to the media. They need to convey empathy with the outpouring of emotion coming from the families of those who have lost loved ones.

The shipbuilders must also be seen to take fast and definitive action and announce an immediate enquiry into why the incident took place and what lessons can be learnt. However, they should also stress that whilst this is a tragic incident sea travel remains a safe means of transportation.”

Next month: President Johnson Inaugurated only because of his predecessor’s assassination, Lyndon B Johnson faced a battle to establish credibility and genuine support among the electorate. How would you suggest he make his mark after succeeding the hugely popular JFK? Email your response to neil.gibbons@ communicatemagazine.co.uk 


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