You can always spot the workplace that values its employees’ wellbeing. It shines brightly – in their positive culture, high productivity, sparkling ideas and clarity of purpose. Cathy Phillips, managing director at H&H Agency, explores.
From oil spills to chemical waste, how should communications professionals respond to an environmental incident involving their own company? David Craik investigates. This article is from Communicate magazine's print edition.


The director of communication and strategy at Westminster City Council insists on measuring the effectiveness of his comms output.
When a global business gets new owners, a new CEO and a new HQ, a unified identity becomes essential.
Is internal comms a communications discipline like any other – one that should be the responsibility of the corporate comms team?: Or is it a specialist discipline that calls for specialist practitioners? Welcome to the Likemind Debate, a monthly email dialogue brought to you by Likemind.