
Registration and breakfast


Welcome and opening address

Andrew Thomas Andrew Thomas
Communicate magazine


Breaking barriers: How Kaufland has transformed its employer brand through disability inclusion

Kaufland, a leading Romanian retailer with over 180 stores and over 17,500 employees, has made significant strides in promoting disability inclusion within its workforce. Over the past five years it has run the A.C.C.E.S. program which aims to integrate individuals with disabilities into the organisation. This initiative has successfully integrated over 450 people with disabilities into the company.

The A.C.C.E.S. program includes creating recruitment channels, providing communication and training workshops and adapting workspaces to meet diverse needs. By promoting empathy, acceptance and social inclusion, A.C.C.E.S. aims to offer equal employment opportunities and raise awareness about the importance of inclusivity, not only within Kaufland but also in the wider Romanian labour market.

Estera Anghelescu Estera Anghelescu
Recruiting and employer branding director


Let’s TUI it: Unifying and inspiring 60,000+ colleagues from pilots to data scientists around a new EVP

TUI is one of the world’s leading tourism groups with 1,200 travel agencies and online portals, five airlines, over 400 hotels and 16 cruise liners. 

Following the global pandemic TUI was dealing with the impact of furloughs and redundancies. Morale was low and new talent needed to be convinced to join an industry that was no longer seen as an attractive career choice. 

The organisation’s first ever global employer value proposition, Let’s TUI it, was created to remind TUI colleagues why they love what they do, so much so that they’d spread the word themselves making others reconsider the travel industry. This session will explore how the EVP development process involved TUI’s people every step of the way and how it was launched together with colleagues too – by asking them to submit videos of their everyday work life – creating a UGC-style launch video that authentically represents life at TUI.

Nathalie Plavonil Nathalie Plavonil
Global employer brand manager

Ben Read Ben Read
Director, employee experience


Communicate roundtable discussions

A dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. Engage with industry leaders and fellow attendees in interactive sessions designed to foster deep insights and meaningful conversations on all areas of employer branding. 


Coffee and networking


Keeping the employer brand electric 

Sitting at the crux of a company’s relationship with its external stakeholders, an employer brand needs to be sensitive, and attuned, to mood shifts and important trends. At a time when everyone is supposed to have a purpose and public opinion can change suddenly, a good employer brand has to adapt and evolve. We talk to the people tasked with keeping employer brands robust but supple.


Alexandra Bairstow Alexandra Bairstow
Global employer brand and recruitment marketing manager

Mark Crompton Mark Crompton
Global head of employment marketing and employer branding

Nimai Swaroop Nimai Swaroop
Group head of employer branding
Coca-Cola HBC


"No Holding Back:" The story behind CGI’s DEI campaign and the power of personal authenticity when fostering workplace inclusivity

“Liz battles nerves and feels she lacks the confidence of the men who dominate her industry, but her presentation reveals the high regard in which she is held.”

“Adam tries to mask his struggles to keep eye contact, as overlapping thoughts sabotage his interview. But his disclosure of his ADHD and autism is welcomed as an essential part of his talent.”

“Wendy, a black working mother, lets worries about tokenism and her background flit through her head as she sits before the board that will offer her a promotion.”

CGI, one of the world’s largest IT and business consulting firms, has shaped the UK tech landscape for nearly 50 years. Its “No Holding Back” diversity, equity, and inclusion campaign exemplifies this commitment to DE&I. This initiative addresses barriers that prevent individuals from being themselves or applying for jobs, using authentic stories and videos from CGI partners. The campaign fosters a supportive environment, showcasing CGI’s proactive DE&I efforts and inspiring confidence in tech professionals from all backgrounds. 


Roger Cayless Roger Cayless
Group creative director
LEAP Create

Kerri Elliott
Creative lead
LEAP Create

David Phillips David Phillips
Director, talent brand and recruitment marketing


Communicate roundtable discussions

A dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. Engage with industry leaders and fellow attendees in interactive sessions designed to foster deep insights and meaningful conversations on all areas of employer branding. 


Lunch break and networking



Aligning your employer brand

Today, companies are finding their views on issues such as transparency, sustainability and work-life balance thrown into question as young people arrive at job interviews armed with questions over values, ethics and stances on political issues. How can recruiters ensure their employer brand meets expectations, while also aligning with the day-to-day reality of the workplace? Communicate magazine's editor Rebecca Pardon sits down for an armchair discussion with Clifford Chance.

Nina Goswami Nina Goswami
Head of inclusion, UK
Clifford Chance


Looking beyond insurance: Building AXA's inclusive and inspiring workplace identity

AXA, a leading global insurance organisation, had created a powerful consumer brand to help them stand out against the new age of insurers and needed an employer brand to match. Havas People was tasked with taking the ‘Know You Can’ consumer platform and giving it its own look and feel. They created a unique flexible and inclusive brand architecture and put their people at its centre. The employer brand was deployed globally to enable AXA to tell its story, boost internal advocacy and engagement and show external candidates why they shouldn’t want to work anywhere else.

Sian Dutton Sian Dutton
Client partner
Havas People

Caroline Winder
Managing partner
Havas People


Communicate roundtable discussions

A dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. Engage with industry leaders and fellow attendees in interactive sessions designed to foster deep insights and meaningful conversations on all areas of employer branding. 


Coffee and networking


Using data and technology to deliver an effective always-on recruitment strategy

NatWest Group, a leading UK-focused banking organisation, uses data and technology to anticipate and meet the needs of their members, so why not do the same with candidates and careers? For some this may seem a big shift in approach, but underpinning a recruitment strategy with data and tech will deliver better ROI in both time and money—and result in better quality candidates. This session will be focusing on the dynamic changes made and the initial impact of these as well as the challenges faced along the way. 

Lyndsay Curry Lyndsay Curry
Talent attraction lead
NatWest Group

Suzanne Nash Suzanne Nash
Client partner


Mimecast's evolution: Strengthening the employer brand during a time of change

Mimecast is a fast-paced cybersecurity company that secures human risk and collaboration. Founded in 2013 they have grown from a start-up to an agile enterprise with over 42,000 customers and 2000+ employees.

Mimecast defined its EB in 2019. Since then, the business, customer and talent markets have experienced unprecedented changes. Increased cyber threats, 60%+ employees joining remotely post-COVID, and changes in the executive and senior leadership team, lead to a transformation of the company's strategic direction. Ph. Creative helped them redefine their EVP and employer brand to realign with the internal and external transformations.

Julie Randall Julie Randall
Head of employer brand strategy and talent experience

Sabrina Rossetti Sabrina Rossetti
Global brand and talent engagement lead


Closing remarks and conference end

Andrew Thomas Andrew Thomas
Communicate magazine


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