Keynote: Communicating to build back better Over the past year the power and reach of government communication have been on display like never before in our lifetime – with major campaigns to fight COVID and prepare the country for the end of the Brexit transition period. This session will explore the lessons learned from an unprecedented year, what these mean for Britain’s listed companies and how government communications will be supporting the Prime Minister’s agenda to Build Back Better over the coming 12 months.
Craig Woodhouse
Director of communications
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Reporting matters... For the past ten years, Communicate magazine has focused on some of the key corporate reporting issues of the day, with its regular Evolution of the Annual Report conference. The Corporate & Financial Conference will continue to shine the spotlight on what companies need to know to stay ahead in their sector. Camilla joins us to discuss the key themes and challenges of integrating ESG into corporate strategy and annual reports. The session will discuss greater transparency and accountability in ESG reporting and what companies are doing in practice to respond to ESG expectations and reporting directives.
Camilla James
Client services director
Instinctif Partners
All change in London Can London maintain its premier status? With the EU and the UK meeting its deadline to establish the Joint UK-EU Financial Regulatory Forum, this session will look into the future of arguably the most important financial market in the world. It isn’t all about Brexit - there are so many changes afoot: dual class shareholding, SPACS and the various proposals from the Hill Review. And no session on the future of London can ignore the current noise coming from the new IPOs. With such high valuations where does that leave the rest of the market.
Leadership communications If there is anything Covid-19 has shown us, it is the importance of strong leadership. But this isn’t anything new. This session showcases some excellent communicators discussing how their leaders coped in unsteady times and the lessons all leaders, and those communicating on their behalf, can learn.
New channels, new communications opportunities Financial communications professionals have always looked for the next new channel and right now there are plenty of them. This session will let delegates hear from companies currently using Clubhouse, podcasting, Primary Bid and other tools to aid their communications.
Amy Williams
Head of digital
Hanover Communications
Bryony MacKenzie
Digital editor and podcast producer
Reporting matters... For the past ten years, Communicate magazine has focused on some of the key corporate reporting issues of the day, with its regular Evolution of the Annual Report conference. The Corporate & Financial Conference will continue to shine the spotlight on what companies need to know to stay ahead in their sector. Mark O'Sullivan, Head of corporate reporting, PwC, joins the session to discuss the challenge of changing corporate behaviour to be more transparent, current reporting trends and what the future of reporting looks like.
Mark O'Sullivan
Head of corporate reporting
Diversity in UK Boards The latest Parker Review report into ethnic diversity in UK Boards showed little progress had been made. However some companies are beginning to understand the importance of increasing racial and ethnic participation in businesses where it counts:- the boardroom. Bianca D'Orsi, CBI, joins us to discuss what Change the Race Ratio is doing to accelerate racial diversity in business.
Bianca D'Orsi
Senior media & communications manager
CBI (Confederation of British Industry)
Keep up with COP26 Nobody is underestimating the importance of Cop26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, taking place in the UK in November of this year. More than ever before the investment community understand the implications and risks from climate change. Whether you are planning on helping represent your organisation or whether you just need to keep up with the many issues that will be discussed, this is a must-attend session, and will cover all the vital points of the 12 days of COP26.
Mark McGinn
Head of purpose EMEA
David Chaplin
Head of corporate communications, reputation & campaigns
David Croft
Global sustainability, environment & human rights director
Surinder Sian
Senior corporate communications manager
National Grid
Communications and the Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19 has changed everything. The way we work and the way our lives are governed. Some voices are calling for this to be the opportunity to reset and recalibrate the relationship big businesses has with society. This panel discussion will look at issues such as bonuses, the working week, senior executive pay and much more.
Richard Dixon
Head of digital
Black Sun
Bieneosa Ebite
Head of corporate communications
Liam McKay
Director of corporate affairs
London City Airport
Rav Punia
VP – marketing communications & digital