Best video targeted to a general audience
This category rewards those companies who have successfully used video to reach out to several different audiences or stakeholders.

Best video targeted to the internal audience
This category rewards those companies who have successfully used video to reach out to their employees.

Best video targeted to the investor audience
This category rewards those companies who have successfully used video to reach out to their investor base or investor influencers.

Best employer brand video
This category recognises those companies who have successfully used video to showcase their employer brand and company culture.

Best use of video to assist reputation management
This category recognises those companies who have used video to influence stakeholder’s perceptions of their brand or organisation.

Best use of video to aid CSR/ESG
This category recognises those companies that use video to highlight their corporate social responsibility actions, environmental policies or governance commitments, creating a strong impact and fostering interest in these areas.

Best use of video to support EDI
This category rewards companies that have used video content to support, celebrate and maximise their equity, diversity and inclusion commitments.


Best use of user-generated content
This category recognises excellence in the use of user-generated content. The video can include all forms of user-generated content, including, but not limited to, video, images, animation, text, and audio, providing video is used to showcase the final output.

Best use of video on social media
This category will recognise and celebrate an outstanding and effective film or series delivered primarily through social media channels. Judges will look for details on the channels used and the impact made.

Best data visualisation
This category recognises excellence in the graphic representation of data where video is used to present the information. Entries can comprise work that entirely comprises data visualisation or where the data visualisation or infographics comprise only an element of the completed film. Videos can be any length and can incorporate GIFs and other forms in addition to conventional video.

Best documentary style video
This category recognises excellence in documentary or reportage style incorporated in corporate video.

Best live or experiential video
This category can incorporate both videos made to enhance a live or experiential setting or can be of a live or experiential event.

Best animation
This category recognises excellence in the use of traditional animation, CGI or stop motion animation and can include the use of GIFs and Flash animation. Entries can comprise work that is entirely animated or where animation comprises only an element of the completed film.

Best interactive video
This category recognises excellence in the use of interactivity within video. It is up to entrants to either supply specialist equipment needed for judges to experience any elements of interactivity or to explain their use.

Best augmented reality or virtual reality
This category recognises excellence in the use of AR, VR or MR. Conventional VR headsets will be made available for judges, but any specialist equipment needed for judges to assess this category will need to be provided by entrants.

Best creative execution
This award is given to a single video and rewards all or any standout creative aspects in the execution of a corporate video. Judges want entries to evidence any standout creative aspects.

Best use of drone technology
This category recognises companies that can demonstrate how drone technology can bring a sophisticated and stylistic approach to film in an accessible way.

Best use or promotion of artificial intelligence
his category rewards companies who are blazing a trail in their use of AI, either by using AI tools during the video production process or those companies who are using video to promote their AI capabilities.


Best copy style or tone of voice
This category focuses on how companies and brands use a verbal or written style to connect with their stakeholders.

Best innovation
This award recognises new ideas and creative thoughts: the video itself, the campaign, the distribution or any other aspect of corporate video.

Best portfolio approach
This category rewards those companies who edit video output so that it can be distributed across a number of different channels/formats/lengths etc.

Best use of video as part of an integrated campaign
This category recognises and rewards an outstanding corporate video that successfully uses a number of channels or medium to achieve its anticipated outcomes.

Best one-off video campaign
This category focuses on a specific video. Judges will look at execution but will also focus on its objectives, strategy and results.

Best long-term video strategy
This category rewards those companies who have developed a coherent and cohesive long-term approach in the use of video as part of their communications strategy.

Best creative strategy
This award is for the best creative, thought-through and aligned strategy behind a video or video campaign.


The following categories reward the best use of video across various industry sectors. This can include video campaigns, stand-alone videos or the strategy involved in the creation and execution of a video.

• Charity/NGO/NFP
• Education
• Energy and utilities
• Engineering, manufacturing, and basic materials
• Farming and agricultural
• Financial services
• Food and beverage
• Healthcare and pharmaceutical
• Lifestyle and wellbeing
• Oil, gas, mining and extractives
• Professional services
• Property, construction and facilities management
• Public
• Retail
• Sport, travel, leisure and tourism
• Technology, media and telecommunications
• Transport and logistics


By entering any of the above categories, you are automatically entered into the following categories. The results of which will be revealed at the ceremony and decided by our judges.

• Video production company of the year

• Video of the year


Align your brand with this annual celebration for the corporate communications community.

We have a number of sponsorship options available to you. Call us to find out more. 


Andrew Thomas

Publisher of Communicate magazine and founder of the Lens Awards


call: +44 (0)20 3950 5356


If you are interested in being a supporting partner of the Lens Awards please email Finley Chesson at