- Any organisation involved in the research, analysis, use or communication of data can enter the DataComms Awards, providing the strategy or execution of the work was developed, launched or carried out between July 2023 and January 2025.
- Projects undertaken outside the region will be accepted as long as either the client, agency or third party service provider is based within the region, target audience is within the region or if the work was implemented across the region.
Entries are accepted from the following countries:

- A single organisation can enter multiple projects and enter into multiple categories.
- All entries must be paid for prior to the judging day; any entries we have not received payment for will not be reviewed by the judging panel.
- Each entry must be submitted as a PDF file. Files cannot be larger than 10MB.
- Supporting links, videos etc must be included within the entry itself. This can be included as an appendix, with links or hyperlinked within the document itself.
- Entries withdrawn will not be refunded. Entries invoiced in advance of submission will not be refunded if the pre-advised quantity is not fulfilled.
- If you have been invoiced in advance for your entries the same payment terms apply. You must pay the invoice by the due date shown (usually 14 days).
- Where a judge’s organisation enters the DataComms Awards Awards, that judge will not review the submission. Where possible, judges are not made aware of the identity of any third-party organisation that carried out the work until after decisions have been made, to eliminate bias.
- All entry materials will be retained by Communicate magazine, the organisers of the DataComms Awards. Please do not send us materials for which you do not have a duplicate, as we will not return entered materials.
- Ensure you have secured the appropriate rights and clearances for all materials and images submitted. The DataComms Awards will not be liable for any copyright, trademark, patent infringement or for non-payment grievances held against entrants.
- The entry information provided will be disclosed only to the judges, staff of Communicate magazine and key partners on a strictly confidential basis.
- Please make reference to confidential information in your entries; these will be for judges’ eyes only and will not be written up.
- Details provided within your entry will potentially be used for press releases, web content, and the winners book should your submission be shortlisted and/or win. Therefore, we ask that you ensure all the details are factually correct - we will not be liable for inaccuracies published based on the entry content and changes may not be possible after publication.
- By submitting your entry, you agree that the materials may be published for the promotion of the awards and media efforts related to the use of data in corporate communications.
- By entering into the awards programme, your details will be added to our database to ensure you are kept up to date with the awards, the magazine and any relevant conferences. To opt-out, please email lauren.ditcher@communicatemagazine.co.uk
- Please translate all non-English text into English to facilitate the judging process.
- Decisions by the jury are final.
Please contact Aaron at aaron.alderton@communicatemagazine.co.uk or +44 (0)20 3950 5356 for any queries regarding entries and advice on categories to enter.
Align your brand with this annual celebration for the internal communications community.
We have a number of sponsorship options available to you. Contact Fin to find out more:
Finley Chesson
Business development executive
Email: finley.chesson@communicatemagazine.co.uk
Call: +44 (0)20 3950 5356
If you are interested in being a supporting partner of the Internal Communications & Engagement Awards please email finley.chesson@communicatemagazine.co.uk